Online Band Manager

Manage everything

You're an indie band. You don't have money because at $50 a gig, you can barely afford gas, so a subscription to "Online Gigs" is out of the question. You have to keep track of your income, expenses, gigs, contracts, tours, e-mail lists, contacts, setlists, song tabs, audio, oh, and don't forget your main audience-facing website. It's a lot for someone who's working a day job, practicing 3 times a week and playing every spare gig available.

Enter Online Band Manager. Throw this up on any web space that supports PHP OR put Apache/PHP on your own computer and run it as a local application. Online Band Manager's goal is to allow you to manage every aspect of your band. If you don't care about managing expenses yet, don't worry. If you do setlists your own way, no problem. But Online Band Manager is going to allow you to manage it all.