Online Band Manager
Manage everything
You're an indie band. You don't have money because at $50 a gig, you can barely afford gas, so a subscription to "Online Gigs" is out of the question. You have to keep track of your income, expenses, gigs, contracts, tours, e-mail lists, contacts, setlists, song tabs, audio, oh, and don't forget your main audience-facing website. It's a lot for someone who's working a day job, practicing 3 times a week and playing every spare gig available.
Enter Online Band Manager. Throw this up on any web space that supports PHP OR put Apache/PHP on your own computer and run it as a local application. Online Band Manager's goal is to allow you to manage every aspect of your band. If you don't care about managing expenses yet, don't worry. If you do setlists your own way, no problem. But Online Band Manager is going to allow you to manage it all.
- Contacts - Manage all types of contacts. Club managers, booking agents, press (radio, newspaper, internet, etc), fans, band members, roadies, extra musicians, and others too!
- Tours / Gigs - Manage your upcoming tour, or just your next gig. Get gigs by sending e-mails to a list of contacts, when a gig is confirmed, schedule a press release to be sent and e-mails to your fan listing for anyone in the area
- Setlists / Rehearsals / Songs / Discography - When you're managing several band members, each practice needs to be efficient to get the most out of the time you have together. Manage your upcoming rehearsals (songs to practice, finish and rehearse, business items to discuss or confirm, etc), your setlists for gigs (order, links to lyrics, tabs, and audio) and songs (active songs, covers, not-quite-ready-for-prime-time songs, audio, tab, transpose, etc).
- Income / Expenses / Inventory - Keeping track of your money and inventory is imperative whether you're working for tips or keeping a $2500 guarantee at the door. Associate income and sales with gigs, plot out your best selling shows (both tickets and merch) and keep track of your expenses (travel, overnight stays, recording time, meals, taxes, etc)
- Automatically Update your website - Let Online Band Manager keep up with where each of your CDs are available online, with your news, with your gigs, contact information, booking information, sound samples, and online press kits. It will generate it all as you keep track of the information for your own internal purposes. Only show what you want to show! Design your own CSS / HTML or have a designer do it for you and then integrate it in less than an hour.
- Lower key features include e-mail management (personalized), security so each of your band members can maintain certain part of the site that the excell at, an online press kit link and RSS feeds of news and gigs.